Transforming raw DATA into insightful and actionable INFORMATION to obtain KNOWLEDGE 

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4 July 2024 - Life Cycle Wide Data Visions

In the rapidly evolving field of engineering, the importance of data governance across the entire lifecycle of a product cannot be overstated. The keynote presentation, "Life Cycle Wide Data Visions," delves into the transformative impact of digital twins on data management from conceptual design to decommissioning. As products progress through various stages—conceptual design, detailed design, manufacturing, installation, operation, and finally, decommissioning—their digital twins evolve correspondingly, embodying unique 'Data Visions' at each phase. These visions are not static but dynamic, adapting and integrating the myriad of external data streams such as environmental conditions, geographical changes, and operational contexts. This presentation explores how these sophisticated digital twins, through their continuous transformation and interaction with external data, serve as crucial decision-making tools.

Please, click the button below to download slides from the presentation.

Download "Life Cycle Wide Data Visions" slides (PDF)

9 February 2024 - AI in Ship Life Cycle

The lecture titled "AI in Ship Lifecycle" for the Indian Maritime University on February 9, 2024, will explore the innovative application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in managing the life cycle of ships. This presentation focuses on leveraging AI to enhance decision-making in ship design, operation, and maintenance. It includes an in-depth look at developing a digital twin of a ship, utilizing a knowledge graph database for semantic information storage, and employing deep learning for advanced decision-making. The session will also cover the evolution and impact of the MA-CAD method, emphasizing its role in minimizing costs and risks in maritime operations.

2023/2024 - Season's Greetings

Season's Greetings 2024

19 December 2023 - Vessel Vision project presented to FERIT students (Osijek, Croatia), envisioning creation of student assignments in line with project goals.

5 September 2023 - neo4j platform selected for Vessel Vision project

The neo4j platform has been selected to home the digital twin knowledge graph.

neo4j logo

18 August 2023 - Vessel Vision project unveiled

Thrilled to unveil our latest endeavor: the "Vessel Vision" project. Anchored in innovative technology and forward-thinking, this initiative promises to redefine how ships interact with our world, both above and below the waves.

13 July 2023 - Life Cycle Costs Calculator ported to Flutter/Dart

Exciting news! MA-CAD's Life Cycle Costs Calculator, now in its 3rd version, has been ported to Flutter/Dart. This transformation opens up new horizons, allowing the software to run seamlessly on various platforms. Whether you're using Android, iOS, Linux, or Windows, or simply browsing the web, this updated version ensures consistent performance across all platforms. The same code base, multiple functionalities - an unparalleled convenience in the realm of cost calculation!

23 March 2023 - Failure Knowledge Graphs - published on OnePetro

onepetro publication

8 March 2023 - Failure Knowledge Graphs - presented at SOME 2023

SOME 2023

January 2023 - Season's Greetings

July 2022 - MA-CAD website back online. Thanks for your patience!


May 2021 - The (R)Evolution of Risk

The definition of risk (at least in technical applications) has always been a probabilistics one...

Click here for more informations


This section introduces you to some of our work through a selection of our projects:

Vessel Vision

At the heart of the 'Vessel Vision' project lies the concept of a 'Digital Twin'. For those unacquainted, think of it as a mirror image of a real-life ship but in a digital realm. This isn’t just a static representation but an evolving, data-driven model that keeps pace with its physical counterpart in real-time.

The neo4j graph database platform has been selected as a persistent store.

Life Cycle Costs Calculator

Life Cycle Costs Calculator the MA-CAD software has been ported to Flutter / Dart. This is version 3 of the software. The port means that for the same code base the application can run on mobile (Android, iOS), desktop (Linux, Windows), and in the web browser. 

Graphs showing Inspection Maintenance and Periodic Maintenance LCC as a function of the maintenance interval.

Failure Knowledge Graphs

Failure analysis is the cornerstone of asset management via life-cycle costs optimizations. Knowledge graphs are semantic nets that are the next level of database technology. Deep learning is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that “learn”, that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. We propose to structure the deep learning data into knowledge graphs to foster advanced failure analysis leveraging optimum life-cycle costs

Failure Knowledge Graphs

Towards a United Nations Environmental Airspace Agency UNEAA

Airspace Agency UNEAA

Digitalisation of the MA-CAD method

The “MAintenance Concept Adjustment and Design” is a book (ISBN 90-370-0112-2) published in 1994. This states the methodology applied to marine engineering systems of sea-going vessels. The project was sponsored by Nedlloyd Lines (today part of Maersk) and the Royal Dutch Navy.
The document will be digitized and re-published.

Click here for more informations

You can download a PDF (attached)

Open-sourcing of the MA-CAD Life-Cycle Costs Optimizer
The method includes a software tool with a Weibull data-fitting method and cost optimization methods for different maintenance policies.
The software will be open sourced and published on github.

Inspection Costs Optimization
Click here for more informations

About us

MA-CAD is a digital transformation and engineering consultancy agency.

Our core business is applying innovative approaches (knowledge graphs, deep learning, blockchain technologies…) to technical systems care (data governance, risk analysis, reliability engineering, maintenance management, life cycle costs optimization) services to global customers involved with up-holding such systems in a safe, responsible, and sustainable manner throughout the life of these (cradle to grave).

Other scientific, engineering and/or technology projects as defined by customer’s needs are developed, and run in parallel, if found viable. 

Contact us

1 Montée Jeansoulin

Villa les myosotis

06500 Menton


+33 9 82 20 08 20 

Dr. Bojan Vučinić - Biography
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